
Reprice Your Books

The purpose of the Reprice Your Books (RYB) page is to allow you to manually reprice your inventory based on the over all lowest prices.  You can accept the suggested prices, enter your own, or leave a price unchanged.  

Automatic price adjustments: Just below the Save Changes button is a block of options to allow you to more quickly apply changes. Check the box to apply the option of your choice and select either dollar ($) or percent (%) values for your difference column.


Automatic is a bit of a misnomer as some feel this means that prices will be adjusted automatically, i.e. without their direct action. This is not the case. Until you click “Save Changes” no repricing will ever occur. 

 You can populate the Reprice Your Books page in two ways:

  1. Run Soloist on Manual to move all of your inventory any manual repricing that you wish to do.
  2. Run Soloist on Auto,  or Test, and populate the Reprice Your Books page with items that are either ignored by Soloist, or, items that had too little data available to allow Soloist to suggest a new price based on your Repricing Configuration.

On this page, you will be presented with seven columns:

  • SKU:  Displays the AoB SKU
  • Title/Notes: This column shows the title and your notes for the item

  • Core Price: This column shows your Core Price for the item.
  • Low Price: This column shows the Lowest price found in your condition or better.
  • Difference: This is the difference between your price and the lowest found
  • New Price: This shows the proposed new price and a set of check boxes: “Change” and “Don't Change”.
    • If you want to accept the suggested New Price, check the “Change” box.
      • Checking the “Don't Change” box will leave the Core Price as is and will remove the item from the RYB page when you save the page.
    • If you do select one of the change options, nothing will happen on this item and it will remain on the RYB page after saving the page (which is particularly helpful if you are repricing in stages). 

  • Market: This box shows current market prices as of the last Soloist run in a format very similar to that of the List Single Item page. Simply click the price you want to beat by $.01 and it will be placed in the New Price box. Don't forget to check the Change box if you want it changed.

When your pricing adjustments are complete, simply click Save Changes and the new prices will be sent to your active venues. Note:If you have elected to not reprice some items, or are repricing in stages, those items will still be displayed.

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    I would like for all inventory currently priced below $9.95 to be repriced at 0 so I could have time to go through all inventory and pull anything I can't reasonably expect to sell at $9.95 and above. I am losing money every time I sell a book for $4.95. Please advise. Thank you.

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