Your Repricing Configuration generates a Repricing Script for Soloist to use when Auto-repricing your inventory. It is advisable that while reading this page you have the Repricing Configuration open to aid in following the sections. The script generated will be based on parameters you enable by checking the corresponding box next to any of the options in the following sections:
- Are you repricing only your Books? Only CD's? Perhaps you only want your FBA items repriced? Make your selection in the drop-down menus and check the corresponding box to tell Soloist what inventory to look at.
- Tell Soloist any particulars to leave off the list of items it's allowed to Reprice by excluding items based on a variety of parameters including:
- Pattern match: Select a field to use for a Keyword Match from a drop-down menu, then enter the text to use for the Keyword Match in the box below the drop-down menu.
- Set up advanced rules for your Pattern Matching
- Prices: Select both above and/or below a set price range.
- Condition: New, Used, or Collectible. Condition Classes are not used in this section.
- Listed Date: Allows you to select items for repricing based on their time in your inventory
- Sales Rank: This allows you to specify values for the Sales Rank either above or below set values.
- Reverse Exclusions can be selected to reverse the action of all enabled parameters.
- Custom Code can be entered in the Other Pre-Processing text boxes to exclude items based on specifications not found in those listed. The language to use for your custom code is PERL. Plain text will not work in this section.
Comparison List
- Tell Soloist how to refine the list you are pricing against to result in better pricing suggestions. You can set a variety of parameters including:
- Feedback: This is based on Amazon's percentage scale and on the Just Launched rating.
- FBA: Compare against other FBA sellers, or leave them out of the comparisons being gathered by Soloist. Also, select whether, or not, to pad your prices with shipping cost.
- Condition: Limit your comparisons to your own Condition, above, or below your Condition, or just to your specific Condition Class.
- Price: Limit your comparison based on a percentage (%) or dollar ($) amount, above, or below, your current price, or above/below a specified amount.
- Custom Code: can be entered in the Other Pre-Processing text box for any comparisons not found in those listed. The language to use for your custom code is PERL. Plain text will not work in this section.
Core Processing
- This section is where you tell Soloist what to do with all the data it has been gathering. The parameters you can set are all about your position in the list of comparison offers and what you want to do while there:
- Meet or beat the lowest price by a dollar ($) or percentage (%) amount.
- Drop your price by a set amount based on a specific position in the list of comparisons.
- Average your price based on the number of comparisons and their position.
- Custom Code can be entered in the Custom Core Processing box if none of the options in this section meet your needs. The language to use for your custom code isPERL. Plain text will not work in this section.
Final Determinations
- The parameters in this section tell Soloist all the limits that exist for your prices. They are:
- Competing Offers: Tells Soloist not to reprice if there are more/less than a value you set of competing offers.
- Minimum Prices based on:
- a set value
- a percent (%) over the value entered to a select field of your choosing.
- a dollar ($) amount over the value entered to a select field of your choosing.
- List Price: Select to remain below the List Price based on dollar ($) and percentage (%) settings of your choosing.
- New Buy Box: Select to remain below the New Buy Box based on dollar ($) and percentage (%) settings of your choosing.
- Used Buy Box: Select to remain below the Used Buy Box based on dollar ($) and percentage (%) settings of your choosing.
- Price Raise: Decide to allow or disallow a raise to your prices.
- Price Rounding: Decide to raise, or lower your prices by rounding up, or down, or to the nearest value that you set.
- Final Post Processing: This is where you enter any post-processing functionality in the form of a Perl script 'snippet'. It will be inserted into your final script at the very end and is the last thing considered before suggesting new prices to you.