
The Wants List

This tool allows you to manage the list of titles your customers are looking for.  

Manually enter the fields you want to be searched:

  • Product ID (ISBN/UPC/ASIN/EAN)
  • Title
  • Author

*No one field is required, but if you use a field, its value must match how it's stored in your AoB inventory.  To clarify -- if an Author is used on the list as 'first-name last-name' but stored as 'last-name, first-name' it will not be considered a match.

**13-digit ISBNs do not translate to their 10-digit equivalent on this page and will not provide results.


To aid in your recall enter:

  • Name is your customer's name.
  • Notes are useful for entering an email address, phone number, and details about your customer
  • Date will populate with the date you entered this data once you Save Changes.

If you have Active Venue Settings enabled in your AoB account, you will receive an email from AoB whenever there is a match for your Wants List. This email will contain all the information you need to quickly and easily locate your customer information on the Wants List.

Edit your information any time, and don't forget to Delete it when you're done.  


That's it!

Have fun

Happy Selling!


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