
Single Listing Page Settings

This is a rather detailed page so we've created a menu to allow for easier navigation.  Just click on any Topic in the menu below to be taken directly to that section of the page.

FBA Default
Collectible Fields
Notes and Clicky Notes
Condition Texts
Do Not List Defaults
Shipping Speed Defaults
ABE Attributes
Amazon Attributes
eBay Attributes and Defaults
Source Field
Home Base Field Setup
Drop Amount


Control which fields are displayed on your Single List Page (SLP) with your selections in this section and build your listing page to suit your needs.


There is no right or wrong combination, just what works best for you and your business. Feel free to experiment – you can always add or delete anything at any time.


FBA Default

If you are an FBA Enabled account you can set a default for the FBA setting


 Collectible Fields

Approved by Amazon to sell Collectible?  Select this setting: 


it adds drop-downs populated with Amazon's approved values below the Edition, Jacket, and Signature fields on your listing page.  Note: that Edition is a default field, meaning you do not need to turn it on to see it on your listing page, but the other two need to be individually enabled to see them and the subsequent drop-down menus.  


 Notes and Clicky Notes

The Notes field can be adjusted directly on the listing page to suit your needs – 4 high X 40 wide is a good place to start. You can always increase or decrease the size by clicking on the corner and dragging.

  • For notes that you use often in your listing practice and to make listing quicker and more consistent:
    • Enter an ID for your note and the text you want to use in the fields provided.
    • The ID you assign should be 8 characters or less, unique, and contain no spaces or special characters.


Once you have a few Clicky Notes set up you'll see this section similar to the following:


Did you notice the Delete Column on the above image?  If you ever need to edit a Clicky Note, you'll need to use that Delete option to remove the faulty Clicky Note and re-enter it again with the corrected version of your note.  


When you have some Clickey Notes set up, they will show just to the left of your notes box on your Single List page. Just click on the ID to paste in the note.


  • You can use the Clickey Notes with the Private Fields as well.  You may find this setup to be a little strange but it is handy if you use the Private Fields often.  
    • To use these in your Private Fields, use the following format for the ID: '_p_<note_id>'.
    • For example, to assign the note 'nt3' to be used with Private Field 2, you would use the ID '_p2_nt3'.

 Condition Texts

Enter text about the condition to create a drop-down box on the single list page.


  • Similar to the Clicky Notes they allow for a quicker population of the single list page with the slight difference of having a drop-down menu created instead of a quick ID to click.
  • These free-form conditions are sent to Venues either in place of the Condition or appended to your Notes (ex: Amazon).
  • Enter one condition text item per line in the field provided.


Do Not List Defaults

  • The Do Not List Defaults will automatically set the do not list flags for you on the single list page, per venue, for each venue that you select in these default settings.
    • Note: You need not set these for venues where you are not selling.

 Shipping Speed Defaults

  • Select the Shipping options you want to offer and they will automatically appear on your Single List Page as you create your listings.  
  • These settings will feed out to eBay, Biblio, eCampus, TextbookRush, and your Custom Venues.


 ABE Attributes

ABE allows you to create various Shipping rules using templates that you can build in the Admin section of your ABE Sellers Account.  

Enter those rules into your AoB Settings and you can assign them to your inventory as items are created and as edits to existing inventory items.  The addition of these templates to your AoB settings will create a drop-down menu on your listing page for item-level assignments.  Selecting one of the templates as the default sets it globally where there is no item-level template selected.  

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 11.14.22.png

 Amazon Attributes

Minimum/Maximum Price: When you list an item to Amazon and then reprice that item at a later time if you do not tell Amazon what limits to apply to your raised or lowered price you allow Amazon to select that limit for you which could potentially lead you to receive pricing errors from Amazon and listings going to an inactive status on that venue. 

Using these settings, either globally with a default setting that will apply to all inventory, or at the item level by using these settings on the listing page directly, you can create limits to be applied to your price adjustments to Amazon.  

  • You can select between percent (%) or dollar ($) values using the drop-down menu.
  • A Percent (%) setting uses the original listing price as the trigger for the min/max setting for all future repricing activity.


Note: If values are supplied directly on the listing page, those values will override the default values entered on the Settings page.


Shipping Templates: Enter the names of your shipping templates that you have created on Amazon so that you can easily match items to the shipping template you wish to use.  

Note: If you have entered template names to your inventory using a file that was uploaded to your AoB account you can easily create your list in Settings without manually entering the names by checking the box next to Populate list from inventory and saving the page.  Taking this step will pull the template names into this list for you and add the templates' names to the drop-down menu in this section of your Single Listing Page.




eBay Attributes and Defaults

Auto-end Defaults

  • Created to allow sellers an easier method of ending eBay listings to keep items from billing for a new cycle.  For more information please see details in the Community Center Post.
  • In this section of your Settings page, select the number of days before the billing date on eBay listings for AoB to automatically end your eBay listings.


Item Attributes

  • Check the box and save the page to enable eBay's Item Specific fields on your single list page.

eBay's own documentation found at which we feel is quite comprehensive provides quick access to various points regarding this topic.



  • Use this field to create your most common locations, one per line.
    • Entries here create a drop-down menu on your single list page with your common locations so you can choose them for a specific listing.
    • You do not have to use this field as it is not a required field to create a listing.

Source Field

  • Use this field to create your most common sources, one per line.
    • Entries here create a drop-down menu on your SLP of your common sources so you can choose them for a specific listing.

Home Base Field Setup

Folks that are accustomed to using HomeBase, or similar listing software, may be used to having specific options available for some fields.  Use the boxes in this section to set up the pull-down boxes for those fields. 

  • The Size field is generally used to show the dimensions of an item. Enter your most common sizes, 1 per line, to enable the size drop-down box on the single list page.
  • The ABE Catalog field will allow you to enter data to create your category assignments.  One entry per line.  A drop-down menu will be created on the single list page.  This field can also be used for category matching for eBay items.  

Drop Amount

  • By default, when you click a Price on the listing page's Market Data it will drop that amount by a penny  ($0.01) and enter that amount into your Core Price field.  
    • Change that amount by entering a different value in this section of your Settings page.  

Important note: For any edits on this page to take effect you must save changes at the bottom of the page each time you make a change.


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