
Do Not List Settings

We assume that your inventory should be listed on every venue you have set as Active in your AOB Venue Settings, and we upload it that way as the default upload process to your venues.  If you do not want an item to list to every venue that you have active, you will have to restrict the item in some way using the various settings that AoB offers.  One of the ways you can restrict an item from listing to a venue is by using the Do Not List (dnl) settings during the listing process.  You can apply the settings on the listing page directly, or you can upload a file to selectively restrict items from uploading to a specific venue. You can also selectively delist items from a venue to which they may already be listed (unless it's any of the Amazon unified marketplace sites after being initially listed.  More on that below.).  

When. you have this section of settings enabled for display on your Single Listing Page, you can select each venue individually if it's one you do not wish an item to be listed on and is Active on your Venue Settings page.  In other words, if you do not have a venue active or do not have a seller's agreement with a venue you don't need to select that venue when restricting items from listing.

Using a 'list_flags' column header in a file that you upload to your AoB account, these settings can be added and edited, just like any other field in your inventory files.  If you are only editing this one field, your file needs to contain only two columns, 'sku' and 'list_flags', but you can also include this a 'list_flags' column in fuller files when you are listing new inventory.

The list_flags is a 'bitmask' field. For the layman, you can construct the appropriate value for this field by adding together the following values for the venues you DON'T want an item listed on:

Venue Value
Alibris 4 256 1 8192 4294967296 4096 2147483648 512
Barnes&Noble 2097152
Biblio 32
Choosebooks ZVAB 16384
Chrislands 1024
Custom Venue 0 536870912
Custom Venue 1 65536
Custom Venue 2 131072
Custom Venue 3 262144
Custom Venue 4 524288
Custom Venue 5 1048576
Custom Venue 6 33554432
Custom Venue 7 67108864
Custom Venue 8 134217728
Custom Venue 9 268435456
eBay 8
eCampus 8388608
TextbookRush 16777216
TextbookX 4194304
Valore 128


For example, if you wanted SKU 111 to not list on ABE and eBay, your upload file would look like this:

sku list_flags
111 10


If you want to clear a Do Not List setting you need to create a column with the header clear_list_flags and enter the correct number for the venue you wish to remove the flag for. For example, if SKU 111 is now intended to be listed on eBay, your upload file would look like this:

sku clear_list_flags
111 8


Want to create a Do Not List setting for one venue, but, clear it for another? Let's pretend you have sku 1234 currently set as Do Not List on ABE and eBay.  You decide you want to list the item to ABE, but also want to add a Do Not List setting to keep it off of Alibris. Here's what it would look like: 

sku list_flags clear_list_flags
1234 12 2


* Special Note:  If you are listing to Amazon and any of their unified marketplace sites, you can create Do Not List flags on the initial listing to keep them from listing to this or any of the unified sites.  However, after items have been allowed to list on any of the unified marketplace sites the Do Not List settings will not remove the items from the sites.  You can create Do Not List settings to keep them from relisting once they have been removed, but you will have to manually remove them if you no longer wish them to be listed on the sites where they may exist.   

*Some of the numeric venue codes are rather large so to aid your math skills we've created a calculation tool that you will find on the Tools menu.  Look for Flags Converter in the Useful Links block.  All you have to do is check the block next to each venue for which you want to either set or remove a list flag for and then click the Convert button.  The number that is displayed will be the value you use in your files. 


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