
Account and Repricing Customizations

It is entirely possible to customize your AoB experience.  To request customizations simply submit a Support Request by signing in on the Help Center linked in the menu of your AoB account.  Your request should clearly describe what you would like to have your account do other than it's standard options/procedures. 

Requests of this nature are considered on a case by case basis and it could be a few days before you get a response.  

The pricing structure for customizations is as follows:

Small Projects
Up to an hour: $20/quarter hour, due on completion
Over an hour: $80/hour, due on completion

Large Projects 
Flat Rate based on specs. $500 down, balance due on completion

The billing will be from the Programmers PayPal account so if you wish the payment requests to be sent separately than the contact email address on your AoB account please specify what that address should be.


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