
Manually Upload Amazon Order Report

To use this Tool to import Amazon orders manually you will first need to visit the order reports page in the Amazon account.  Amazon's site navigation for that would be Seller Central > Orders > Order Reports 

Once you are looking at this page in your Amazon account you'll see a variety of Report options (see image below). 

The steps you will take are as follows:

  • Choose the tab for New Orders.


  • Request a report for the time period you want to import.  The default here is the current day.  Requesting more than the current day could include orders that are already confirmed.  We'll discuss those orders further down in this post and how to handle them.  If you only want current-day orders leave this at its default setting of Last Day.


  • Your order volume will dictate the amount of time it takes to generate your file so you might want to take advantage of the option to schedule your downloads.


  • When the file is requested you will see it listed below these options in a separate section of the page where you can see its status.

  • When the file is available to download, click the Download button and save it to your device.



If you are trying to import FBA orders the site navigation is as follows: Seller Central > Reports > Fulfillment > Amazon Fulfilled Shipments > Request .txt Download 


Now you are ready to login to your AoB account and navigate to Tools > Useful Links > Manually Upload Amazon Order Report and upload your order report.  

  • Select which Amazon your report is from by using the drop menu labeled Venue.

    • Though it's not shown in the image, if you're uploading an FBA orders file please be sure you're selecting FBA from the drop menu at this step.


  • At File Browse click to select the file you've previously saved to your device.

  • Click Upload Above File.

At this step, the contents of the file will be displayed to you. So, you will see all orders in the file, even if those orders are already in AOB, but Don't Panic because the normal operation of AOB compares incoming Order IDs against existing account data.  Any Order ID that already exists in your AOB account will be ignored.  

All other normal operations will also start taking place at this stage so deletes will queue for your other sites. 

Now that your orders are imported:

It's important to note here that if you previously manually deleted a quantity from a SKU, and then also pulled the order in using this manual import function, the newly arrived order will show up on your Ship page in AOB as Unmatched if the item was previously listed with quantity of 1 (one).

Also, if the SKU was previously edited in AoB to account for an order that you have now imported to your account, and it was a multi-qty SKU, you'll want to edit that SKU's quantity to replace what your imported order removes as per AOB normal operations.


Looking at your AOB Ship page:

It is important to note here that orders which have been confirmed on Amazon prior to being imported to AOB should not be confirmed to Amazon again.  Amazon's frown at this behavior is large and frightening.  To avoid doing so use the Move to Previously Processed option in the Actions column of your Ship page.


Also if your order has been canceled already on Amazon use the Move to History option in that same section.  

These actions will clear up your ship page so that all you have left are orders that need to be confirmed as per your usual operations.  



While I have likely left out some bit of information feel free to Sign In to your Help Center if you are not already by using the Sign In button at the top right of this page ...  Screen_Shot_2022-09-17_at_10.41.43.png ... as doing so will allow you to interact and leave comments that I can address directly on this page.  Adding comments here will also allow others to benefit from the knowledge.  


Lastly, while the creation of this page was an effort to workaround an excruciating glitch in the connection with Amazon order feeds it has been decided that the page will be kept active as we see the potential for its use in a variety of situations.  

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    Thanks for the clarity, very helpful.

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    This works great, thanks! Reminder, it is very important if they are already processed on Amazon to mark them as previously processed on AOB! (I learned that the hard way.)

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    I am seeing now that I somehow missed downloading 11 orders on the 16th. Any ideas on how to fix those without duplicating others from the 16th?

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    @baker_book_house .. Select the dates in the second step to pull those in. No worries about duplication since we'll only update order data that doesn't already exist in your account.

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    Tip: When downloading your files from Amazon it is important that you DO NOT allow your office document software to open the file before saving.  You only need to Save the file.  You do not need it to open before saving it.  We have seen several sellers having done so and inadvertently changing the order-item-ids into Scientific Notation (ex: 1.50528E+13).  

    While the order-item-id does not display on the order in AoB, it is saved in the database and is sent back to Amazon in the Confirmations.  Unfortunately, any order-item-id that has been changed into Scientific Notation by software on your machine that is not properly formatted to read numbers as text is causing the confirmations to fail at Amazon.  

    In an attempt to keep Confirmations from failing we've added code to the process for manually importing the order files so that it will ignore order data that contains an order-item-id that has a plus sign (+) .. since the plus sign is consistent in the resulting Scientific Notation value.  

    Edited by samantha
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