We have exciting News for everyone outside of the U.S.
You can now specify the currency you will be using within your AoB account.
Login at www.theartofbooks.com and navigate to your Personal Account Settings, once there you will see a new drop down menu allowing you to choose the incoming currency for your account.
You will see the menu directly below the Country field as shown in the below image.
Use this drop-down menu to select the currency values that you're uploading, or otherwise entering, when listing new inventory.
In addition, navigate to the Inventory Settings page and look at the Listing Constraints/Options to locate the new column for Currency which allows you to specify the outgoing currency to your venues.
- Please note that updating your account with these settings will not change the values of exiting inventory. To update existing inventory upload a file of your inventory with corrected values for 'price' in the file. The only required fields your file must have for this task are sku & price.
- These settings must be in place before editing existing values.
- If you have any questions, or concerns, let us know via any one of our channels for contact and someone will assist you soon after.