A while back there were a few sellers that showed passing interest in Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP), so we set it up on the back end. But, the user interest lagged and we were never able to test the processes we put in place. The following paragraphs describe to you what to do, what to expect, and how it will be displayed, Just keep in mind that it's never been tested, so, communication with our staff could be necessary.
Our investigation into creating SFP listings found that that you must enable SFP via your templates. So, start your adventure in your Seller account on Amazon and create the template to use on these items. Once created you will enter the template name to the Shipping Template Matching in your AoB Single List Page Settings. If you're not already familiar with the template matching that AoB offers please read over the Amazon Attributes in Single List Page Settings. If you are familiar, then you'll know that entry of the template names creates a drop down menu in the Amazon Attributes section of your listing page allowing you to select the template name on any items in your AoB inventory that you wish to offer as SFP. Though, you can, also, use a file upload to do your matching to the correct template. It's up to you the method you use to do the matching, so long as they are matched to the template that you set up for for the Seller Fulfilled Prime listings.
To get the orders into AoB, so we can keep your other venue's listings managed properly, you'll need to modify your order reports to include a few additional bits of data. Add the optional 'is-prime' and 'latest-ship-date' fields (for flat file order reports). If these fields do not appear in your order reports, Prime orders cannot be identified and ship dates cannot be determined. This could lead to you missing the shipping SLAs for their Prime orders. You can add these columns to your order reports using the Optional columns area of the Add or Remove order report columns in Seller Central. Seller Fulfilled Prime orders will display with orange highlighting on your ship page, but, again, this is not tested so communication with our staff may be necessary. Also, if you've used Amazon to buy your shipping you will want to use the AoB 'Previously Shipped' option on the ship page to move the order off of your ship page as that option will not resend confirmation to Amazon.
We've also discussed repricing for these items and for the short term we what came up with is setting it up custom for each seller in the Other Processing boxes of your repricig script. It would be something like 'if template = x (for example) then <do this>' .. It's purely a case by case basis until it looks like there will be more than 1 or 2 people interested, as is the case currently. When/if it becomes a more popular product we can do something on the user interface that is more simple to work with that doesn't require staff interaction.
So, there you have it! This is what we already have in place. We'd all love for someone to jump in to help us test it out, and possibly to refine it, to ensure all is processing as smoothly as we intended. =)